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The National Children’s Choir is a school-based choral experience for primary school children

How much does it cost?The affiliation fee is €6.00 per pupil. In addition you will need a vocal score and access to the teaching recordings. A piano score is also available but this is optional.
How do I get involved?Email to express your interest. Affiliation usually begins in September. Further details will be posted on our News page when affiliation opens. How much does it cost? The affiliation fee is €6.00 per pupil. In addition you will need a vocal score which can be ordered by emailing. Teaching Recordings will be made available to all affiliating schools. A piano score is also available but this is optional. What is the affiliation fee spent on? The affiliation fee of €6.00 per child goes towards the costs of insurance, copyright, orchestration, musical directors’ fees, legal and accountancy charges, printing, postage charges, website costs, provision of training for teachers, etc. All affiliated children benefit from these services equally. All concerts, including those in the National Concert Hall are financed by ticket sales.
Any other questions?Send an email to and one of our committee members will get back to you.
How often are group rehearsals?Every school affiliated is allocated a rehearsal cluster group with up to 250 members. There are three cluster rehearsals, led by an Assistant Musical Director during the year. Where possible, one of these rehearsals will be conducted by one of our three Musical Directors, Órla Gillan, Anne Purcell and Mairéad Déiseach. Rehearsal 1 generally takes place in November, Rehearsal 2 is usually in Jan/Feb and Rehearsal 3 is usually March.
Who sings in the National Concert Hall?Each school may send 10% of their Sopranos and 10% of their Altos. The National Organiser will notify each school of the number of allocated places before the end of April. Children selected to sing in the National Concert Hall must have excellent singing voices, must know all the words and music and be prepared to sing every song. The Parents/Guardians of the children selected for the National Concert Hall will be required to sign a media release form on behalf of their children.
How many songs will we learn?Yes! Users can add video from YouTube or Vimeo with ease: This year there are 15 songs from a variety of genres- church music, classical, popular, modern, Gaeilge etc. Moon River, Don’t stop me now (Queen), Panis Angelicus, Fill a Rún Ó, May We Never have to Say Goodbye (Shaun Davey, composed for the Special Olympics) are some of the songs selected for this year.
Can I affiliate my After School Choir?No, the ethos of the National Children’s Choir, in accordance with the vision of its founder, the late Dr. Sean Creamer, every child from an affiliated class learns the repertoire. The repertoire may be taught to whole class groups only during their regular school day. It is for every child. This is the fundamental principle of the National Children’s Choir.
What is the affiliation fee spent on?The affiliation fee of €6.00 per child goes towards the costs of insurance, copyright, orchestration, musical directors’ fees, legal and accountancy charges, printing, postage, website services, provision of training for teachers etc. All affiliated children benefit from these services equally. All concerts, including those in the National Concert Hall are financed by ticket sales.
Where do we perform?Each area will have its own Regional Concert, organised by a local committee. In Dublin these concerts are held in the National Basketball Arena, other venues are listed on our website. Every child who learns the repertoire will sing in the Regional Concert. Each school will then send a small representative group of children to sing in the National Concert Hall at the end of May.
Where are group rehearsals held?Rehearsals are usually held in schools. What works best is if several schools in a cluster can offer their hall, this means that you will host one rehearsal and travel to two, to cut down on the transport costs. Where do we perform? Each area will have its own Regional Concert, organised by a Regional Committee. Every child who learns the repertoire will sing in the Regional Concert. Each school will then send a small representative group of children to sing in the National Concert Hall at the end of May.
Who can take part?Affiliation is open to 4 th, 5 th and 6 th classes in Primary schools. You may affiliate one or two class grades, but not three. (eg: 4 th and 5 th; 5th and 6th; 5 th only etc.) There is no upper limit to the numbers of pupils you may affiliate. Can I affiliate my After School Choir? No, the ethos of the National Children’s Choir, in accordance with the vision of its founder, the late Dr. Sean Creamer, every child from an affiliated class learns the repertoire. The repertoire may be taught to whole class groups only during their regular school day. It is for every child. This is the fundamental principle of the National Children’s Choir.
Do I have to teach both Sopranos and Altos?Yes. It is essential that every school teaches both the soprano and alto part. In keeping with the ethos of the National Children's Choir, every child participating experiences singing as part of a full choir in their own school. Even if you have a small number, is recommended that you teach both parts. Teaching the Soprano 1 (descant) part is optional but strongly recommended.
I’m new to this, what supports do I have?You will be allocated to a rehearsal group with other experienced teachers who will be more than willing to offer support and advice. Your area organiser will be your key contact here. Our Musical Directors may be contacted directly by email to answer musical queries, and the National Organiser is always on hand to help. I’m not that confident about reading music. Don’t worry, there are recordings available online for affiliated schools which have each part to assist the teaching of the repertoire.: Soprano, Alto, Piano Accompaniment and Full Performance . The Musical Directors will arrange a refresher course for teachers wishing to learn/brush up on the repertoire in early October/early January in preparation for Rehearsal 1 and 2. Details will be emailed to all affiliated schools and will also be posted on the website.
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