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Affiliation Complete for NCC 2025!

A Chairde,

Thank you to those who have affiliated with the National Children's Choir for 2025. We have over 8,000 children affiliated from over 125 schools around Ireland. It is shaping up to be a fantastic 40th anniversary year! Some reminders for you all that went by email this morning:

New Email Addresses

We have moved our email to link with our website provider which provides greater security and storage. The new NCC emails you will need are: - General queries and official communications - Affiliation Fees, Receipts and Finance queries - Queries for the Musical Directors

Don't worry if you send to an old address, they will be forwarded automatically. Remember the Musical Directors kindly facilitate their own email address (above) for schools and teachers who require help and support. Do use it to check in with questions relating to the music.

Website Login

Teachers should all now have their own log in for the website - available to sign up on the Teachers Only tab on the website. This should only be by affiliated teachers as it will contain data relating to schools, emails, phone numbers, etc. as we approach the concerts. If you are having trouble logging in, contact

Children can now log in to their own area of the website and listen to the recordings too. They click the NCC 2025 button on the menu and enter the password that was sent to their teacher.

Next Steps

Affiliation is now closed. Most schools should receive their hard copy scores by the end of the week. There is a small delay on Accompaniment CDs - but do remember every recording you need is on the website. 

Area Organisers around the country will receive the allocations next Monday 30th Sept and each school will then hear from their Area Organiser during October where they will be grouped into clusters, preparing for Rehearsal 1 which will be in late November. They will also be collecting the exact composition of your choir - numbers of Sop 1, Sop 2 and Alto.

The Musical Directors are planning to host a Refresher event in October and we would like your input on what the format might be. You can click here to vote for what kind of event would be most beneficial.

Receipts and Fees

Receipts are being issued from - thank you for your patience. Please ensure all affiliation fees have been transfered by EFT by October 1st.

We look forward to working with you all over the year ahead - especially all the regional committees, organisers and AMDs who are waiting in the wings to guide through a wonderful year of song!




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